The Moravian Church Barbados Conference held at its headquarters on Tuesday, August 14, 2007, a press conference to inform the public and express it disappointment over the demolition of the historic Bunker’s Hill Cemetery.

Present to meet the press were members of the Executive Board of the Conference, Director of the National Trust, Mr. William Gollop, historians Dr. Karl Watson and Dr. Trevor Marshall, and members of the Moravian Community.

Rev. Vera Waithe, Superintendent, gave brief overview of the history of Bunker’s Hill, and outlined the historical significance of the cemetery to the Moravian Church and to the nation of Barbados. The Superintendent expressed the abhorrence of the church over the destruction of the cemetery.

Dr. Watson spoke on behalf of the National Trust and expressed the dismay of the Trust over the disregard for national heritage displayed. He called for firmer legislation to deal with such acts which were occurring more frequently, saying that the fine of $500 to be paid by those who damaged properties listed as heritage sites, was not enough.

The plans of the Moravian Church to develop Bunker’s Hill as a site for heritage tourism were outlined by Mr. George Ramsay. He indicated that consideration had been given to accommodating the present occupants of the property in a manner that still permitted its full use for heritage tourism.


Read the article in the Barbados Advocate