29th Provincial Synod Retreat
The 29th Synod of the Moravian Church, Eastern West Indies Province was started with a most fitting retreat led by the Rev. Dr. Wycherly Gumbs, the Superintendent of the St. Kitts Methodist Circuit of Churches. His theme was ‘The Transforming Power of a Blessing’ and his primary scriptural reference was 1 Chronicles 4: 9 – 10 (the prayer of Jabez).
Rev. Dr. Gumbs challenged the gathering to remember that a blessing is never given for the sake of the individual but always with others in mind. He focused on Jabez being handicapped and reminded us that in some ways we’re all handicapped. Yet the position of being a handicap is not anything to be ashamed of since God uses and makes us handicapped in some way to use us for God’s glory. In many ways our handicap keeps us humble.
Rev. Dr. Gumbs further issued a challenge for this 29th synod to spend some time in visioning and to remember that ‘money follows vision and mission’. In reflecting on the Provincial theme: Blessed to Bless, he invited all in attendance to reflect on some of the hindrances to our blessing. These include fear, doubt, jealousy, pride and a defeatist attitude which says I can’t. To counter that, he challenged the Church to keep in mind that ‘your focus determines your scope’ and to ‘think big and act boldly’.