Sharon, Barbados, May 18, 2007

 Unity Board around table






The Unity Board commenced meeting in Barbados today, with some twenty representatives from the Moravian Unity meeting at the D. C. Moore Educational Centre at Sharon.

The Unity Board commenced meeting in Barbados today, with some twenty representatives from the Moravian Unity meeting at the D. C. Moore Educational Centre at Sharon.

In her welcome remarks at the brief devotional session in the Sharon Church, Sis. Angelene Swaart, Chairperson of the Board, stated the theme of the meeting as, Discerning God's Mission Through Our Unity.

Sis. Swaart discribed the meeting as a historic one, meeting as the Moravian Church is celebrating 550 years. She cautionned the Board however, not to become complacent over 550 years of service, and reminded members that the church was most active when it was looking forward and outward.

With this in mind, the Board was to ask, in keeping with the Unity text for the year, "What is the new thing God is doing among us?" She prayed that the meeting would be opened to God's Spirit and be encouraged and inspired to do his service.