
Moravian Moment # 126 What is Unity Synod?


July 26, 2009

Unity Synod is the assembly of the World wide Moravian Church which meets every seven years to review the past, examine the present and plan for the future of the Church as we minister in these challenging times. In this ever changing world the Church of God is rigorously challenged to remain faithful to the biblical calling of the Church and to the Head of the Church, our Chief Elder, Jesus Christ.

This year, 2009, the Unity will convene its 26th Synod of the RenewedMoravianChurchnd  Our Unity is as strong as our world wide Provinces and the fellowship that we share across all boundaries of language, gender, culture, economics, ethnicity and contexts. We all testify that Jesus Christ is Lord! We all struggle with our unique challenges as we endeavour to be faithful to God and to our call as being Church. (1722) and the 42 Unity Synod dating from the Ancient Unity (1457).

Unity Synod meets in London from July 27-August 7, 2009. The theme for the Synod is: “Discerning God’s Mission through our Unity”. At present the Unity comprises 16 Provinces, 3 Affiliate Provinces and 6 mission areas. The Unity Provinces are:


These 16 Provinces have had their challenges under difficult and trying circumstances, but God has preserved our Unity as a Church formed out of various cultures, languages and histories. As a world wide Church, the Moravians must continue to proclaim the victory of the Lamb of God that was slain as the hope of the world, wherever the Lord opens a door. Even as it meets for this very important Synod, the Moravian Church cannot afford to pin its hope for the future on the past. It must look forward and be a dynamic Church or else it will be a Church where persons will say, “we use to be or we use to do”. The Moravian Church must be like the yeast that expands and transforms the doe. Special attention has to be given to the statistics of our Unity as we observe growth, decline and stagnation of membership in our Provinces.


To be continued…