March 15, 2009
The Moravian Church is blessed with a tremendous number of gifted individuals, both clergy and Laity. As our Church reflects on developing its human and physical resources, God is challenging us to use every resource at our disposal to His honour and glory.
God is yet giving our Church another opportunity to Minister in a pragmatic way. Inspite of the notion that our Caribbean Nations are Christian Nations, there are yet many unchurched persons in every community throughout the region and some just next door to our Sanctuaries. God is calling us to reach out and point those who have not come to salvation, to Him. The wonderful opportunity that God presents is for every member to be a Minister. God is calling us to move away from the Pastor centred ministry, to the Priesthood of all believers. There are too many persons who treat their walk with God as something they take off and put on at Will. This presents a problem of double standard and therefore a barrier to us reaching the unchurched.
The Moravian Church, if it is going to survive and thrive, needs to be in the trenches where real people are struggling with issues of survival, justice, family challenges, unemployment, underemployment, deception, brokenness, hatred, malice, unforgiveness, proper health care, deviant behaviour of our people, both young and old, Gambling, prostitution, lack of respect for God and human beings, the Sanctity of life and the like.
The unchurched needs to know that the members of the Church are compassionate and understand their plight. They need to see us living out our Christian lives not only by talk, but by example and the exemplary lives we live.
Church based Education is another opportunity that God is presenting to us as a Church. The Church needs to seriously return to educating our populace. While the Governments and some private entities have been involved, the Church needs to teach from a moral and spiritual standpoint.
The development of Senior citizens homes to take care of our elderly, in addition to the support and care of our children and youth, are opportunities that God is presenting to our Church to Minister. The Moravian Church must use every opportunity to empower its members. Several of our members are talented and have being blessed with skill and ability which can be used to educate and empower our people. In addition, there are many who have being blessed with Spiritual Gifts and need to exercise them in the body of Christ for His honour and glory. As a Church, we need to ask God to renew our conviction that through prayer his work will prosper and that we ask him to cleanse us and fill us with his power, so that we may become instruments for renewal in his hands. The Moravian Church must so position itself that God’s Will, will be done and his Kingdom come, and so we will become instruments of renewal and revival.