June 29, 2008


HIV/AIDS is a disaster of overwhelming magnitude that has had devastating effects on populations around the world, especially with our partners in Tanzania. But there is also evidence of risk of epidemic proportions developing in countries in Central America and the Caribbean, where other Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church (BWM) partners reside.

We believe that faith organizations have a crucial role to play in combating this disease, both in raising awareness and understanding, in promoting preventive strategies and in compassionately caring for those who have HIV/AIDS. As part of our vision to serve others, the Moravian Church must commit itself to supporting any Ministry that seeks to minister in this area. Our Church must commit itself to social Ministries which impact the lives of people in a positive way.

The Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church (BWM) is currently working with the United Nations and other Faith-Based Ministries to help with the treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS.  Doors have been opened in Tanzania, South Africa, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Caribbean and other areas. The Board of World Mission of the Moravian Church (BWM) has sought to impact these countries with the message of Prevention and the treatment of HIV/AIDS.

The different Churches including the Moravian Church are working hard to find ways to edu­cate, teach, and counsel those af­fected and infected with HIV/AIDS. The Church has been called to tackle the problem of HIV/AIDS together.  No longer can you declare that you are not infected, so all is well. Sooner or later, someone you know will be infected with the disease. It could be your relative, a friend, a colleague, a teacher or student, the person you sit beside in Church, or it could be you or your spouse or lover. Many people are being affected, many people are dy­ing, many people are sick. There are more than 1.1 million orphans in Tanzania alone, whose parents have died from the disease. A few days ago, we learnt that HIV/AIDS have reached epidemic proportions in South Africa. South Africa is one of the countries worst hit by HIV/AIDS, with 5.41 million people living with the illness. It is estimated that by 2010 approximately 18 million South Africans will be orphaned if the trend is not halted.

The Moravian Church needs the support of all its members and friends on this journey to educate, teach and counsel, towards the treatment and prevention of this deadly disease. Every group within the Church and every Ministry that exists, must see itself as a vital part of this fight to eradicate or stem the tide of HIV/AIDS. Persons have to be faithful to their partners, in addition to acknowledging the sacredness and sanctity of marriage. Lifestyle changes are critical and we all have to be more responsible individuals. God is depending upon all of us.