
June 15, 2008


The Moravian Church is very strong on the importance of the family and family ties. It recognizes and acknowledges that the family is the bedrock of the society, without which every think falls apart or disintegrates. The Church also recognizes that Fathers play a very significant role in the strengthening of and maintenance of the family. God’s plan of action is that the man must lead the family and be the PRIEST in the HOME. He was created to lead in such a way that his family would be united, empowered and affirmed with a view to following Godly principles.

 It was to man that God gave authority to lead in a way that would bring glory to His name: “And God said, Let us make man in our own image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him, male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion … (Genesis 1:26-28).  The Scripture places man in a position to lead, not with an iron fist, but with compassion, love, humility and firmness. The man is responsible for his families walk with the Lord. He ought to lead in such a way that his family would follow in his foot steps and affirm his manhood.

Today is FATHER’S DAY and throughout the world men are being celebrated. Over the years, men have taken a bashing of being delinquent and the like, and all men have been put in the same category. As we celebrate father’s day, there are thousands of men who have played their role effectively and have led their family well. No one would disagree that there are delinquent fathers, but so too, we have delinquent mothers as well. The idea is however not to dwell on the delinquent ones, but to encourage, affirm and celebrate those who have stood for righteousness and good governance in their family. This Father’s Day might prove to be a very significant occasion as we seek to Reclaim, Build up and affirm the Family. The Family has been under attack from every side and so the Church is challenged and called upon to maintain strong family values. Moravians are especially challenged to maintain these values, for strong families, lead to strong communities and everyone benefits.

As we celebrate another Father’s day, the question is, WHERE HAVE ALL THE YOUNG MEN GONE? Some have been caught up in prison, gangs, drugs, alcoholism, prostitution and deviant behavioral patterns. We need to reclaim them. We need to let them know that they are precious in God’s sight and that they have a vital role to play in God’s Kingdom. Every man is therefore challenged to mentor and walk before our boys in such a way that they will see Jesus and make a difference in our family and world.