2 DECEMBER, 2007


There have been several “lean” years and while this has been due in some part to the restructuring of MCF there has also been the need to reinvest in a number of enterprises to ensure their future success.


We have looked at C. KERSTEN and Co Holding (Suriname) which has 10  subsidiary companies. Jolley Holding Aruba has 15 subsidiary companies. Jolley Holding Curacao is comprised of the following 4 subsidiary companies:


  1. JOLLEY HANDELMAATSCHAPPIJ—Holds and manages real estate, some of which is occupied by other companies in the group.
  2. CHEPHACU CURACAO—This is a Pharmaceutical Wholesale Company.
  3. CHEPHACU ST.MAARTEN—This is a Pharmaceutical Wholesale Company.
  4. EL LOUVRE—Based on Aruba, this is also a successful Pharmaceutical Wholesale Company.


The Foundation has throughout the last few difficult years still managed to ensure that grants for Theological Training have been provided as the first priority of the Foundation. The annual figure of  400, 000 pounds is distributed to all of the Unity Provinces for Theological Education. While this amount cannot and will not be able to satisfy the total needs for training Church Workers, it certainly has been a tremendous help to all of the Provinces of the Unity.


The Office of the Moravian Church Foundation in Amsterdam (Holland) is now the office of the MCF and that of the MCFBE.


God has raised up this institution as a way to allow our Church World Wide to expand its Mission and Witness to the ends of the earth. We thank God for giving our forefathers the vision, insight and foresight to launch out in this decisive way. We have been blessed with lots of resources and God expects us to use them and invest so that his work will continue. The Church needs our support. The Moravian Church Foundation needs our support. Whatever is in your hands can be used to honour and glorify our Creator.