September 23, 2007
Recapture the Vision
The Moravian Church is grounded in Mission. The visionaries, who founded the Moravian Church, had a passion for Christ and compassion for souls. It was this desire, this passion, this zeal to see men and women come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, that drove them to the ends of the earth to take the Gospel. The Moravian Church got its mandate from the Jesus himself when he spoke to the Disciples: go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. (Matt. 28:19-20).
The Moravian Church took this mandate seriously and sent Missionaries to all parts of the world, to call men and women to the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We live in a dynamic world and while the conditions that existed four or five hundreds years ago are different, men and women still need to hear the transforming message of Jesus Christ. New ways and indeed, new methods must be found if the Church is going to remain relevant. The question is, do we as a Church still have that zeal, that passion, that desire to see men and women live victorious, spirit filled lives? Do we as individuals within the Church, believe that it is our responsibility to touch the lives of people in a real and positive way as to make them walk good in the sight of God? Do we believe that as a Church, it is our mandate to empower and lift the standard of living for persons within our communities?
The Moravian Church has been involved in missions to unreached people of different cultures such as Chukotka and the Garifuna. Secondly, the Church has embarked on mission to people in countries where there are other Christian Churches, but previously had no Moravian Witness like Zambia, Zaire, Malawi, Cuba, China, Grenada, St. Martin among others. Thirdly, new forms of Witness such as radio and TV Ministries, urban ministries among students, and ministry to refugees are ways that the Moravian Church have been engaged in to impact many communities. In the area of Education, Health, Feeding the less fortunate and Housing for the poor and destitute, is well documented as a plank of Moravian Witness and Mission. While this is commendable and we must applaud the Church, there are many other areas where we must continue to touch the lives of people.
Today our communities are over run by crime and violence, especially among the youth. In addition, there has been an increase in the number of persons who have been afflicted by lifestyle diseases like; Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity, HIV/Aids and the like. While the Church has been running educational programs, it must intensify and double its efforts to combat these lifestyle diseases. We face the threat of losing an entire generation if we fail to act. All members of our Church of whatever profession must be part of the band of Christian Soldiers, as we seek to recapture and intensify our zeal to see our people live better and wholesome lives for the Lamb of God. The mission statement for the EWI Province is apt to end this article: By the grace of God, we seek to be faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ; without distinction, we use all that we possess to call all peoples to the truth of the Gospel through worship, evangelism, discipleship and service. Are you ready for the challenge?