Moravian Ministers to Study Spanish

In an effort to reach the increasing numbers of Spanish speaking residents throughout the islands of the Eastern West Indies, the P.E.C. is putting in place a process for our Ministers to study the Spanish language.

Already, some of our Ministers are very fluent and have even taught the language in schools. There are others who have been introduced to the language.

Moreover, in some of the islands, there are institutes which provide training in the language.

Our Church will make use of these opportunities where available or the P.E.C. will provide for the training.

Then, Ministers who demonstrate the aptitude for the language will be given further training to enhance their skills for this special emphasis in our Ministry.

This is due to begin in January 2000.


100th Anniversary Appeal Launched

Another one of the resolution from the 25th Provincial Synod with immediate effect to all in the Province has to do with the launching of the 100th Anniversary Appeal.

As part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the first Provincial Synod, the resolution calls upon all Moravians in the Province to make a special contribution of $100.00 in their currency towards the Provincial finances.

All contributors will receive a special certificate. The official launching took place at the 100th anniversary service in Barbados by the Chairman of the P.E.C.

It is open to all of our members and friends and it is very much in order for you to give your names to your Pastor in order to receive more information as well as the envelope.

The Province will be grateful for your contribution. We very much need your help.

"Give and it shall be given to you" Luke 6:38.


Annual Provincial Publications Soon available

It is that time of the year when the annual publications from the Provincial Office will soon be made available.

The Provincial Directory is very much on the way and we are pleased with the many persons who have sent us notes advising of corrections, amendments and other changes. It is very important to have your input.

The Almanac is with the printers and we anticipate that by early in December it will be ready.

The Desk Calendar will not have as many dates on the various activities in the congregations. It seems that some fell behind in their planning process. However, that too will soon be available and we hope that it will be distributed to all officers at the earliest convenience.

Let's keep the Provincial Family together!


New Series of Reflection on Provincial Theme as of January

Several members of staff have already been requested to prepare reflections on the new Provincial theme for the year 2000.

Our sincere thanks to all those who presented reflections on the 1999 theme. You played a major role in keeping the theme before all of us during this year and we are grateful.

We eagerly await the reflections for the next theme. At the same time, we do want to assure all of our readers that if you have a short reflection that you would like to share, please do not hesitate to send it to the Provincial Headquarters and we shall be happy to make use of it.


Celebrating in Barbados!!

On November 11, 1999 just as our ancestors did one hundred years before, representatives from throughout our Province gathered at the Calvary Moravian Church in Barbados. While in 1899, they met to convene the first Synod of our Province, this time we met in order to celebrate the occasion.

This celebration was doubled as it was also used for the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the ordination of the Revd R.I.C. Holder.

In his reflection, Bro. Holder called to mind many of the experiences which he had during his years in various parts of the Province. In his usual way, he tried not to overlook any one who had added to his journey over the years; and he was careful to mention his sons and his dear wife, recently departed.

The Service was led by the Revd Dufferin Culpepper while representatives from all the Conferences along with the Chairman of the P.E.C. brought greetings. The preacher was the Revd Leon Matthias. The combined Choir led by Revd Mikie Roberts with Bro. Andrew Allman at the organ was very good. There were also greetings from the Revd Leonard Rock on behalf of the Barbados Christian Council and the Revd Alvin Barker who came from New York specially for the occasion.

There was a good attendance and the spirit was really one of celebration as we all were "in praise of the past..." and were "in hope of the future".

Our sincere thanks to all in Barbados for so graciously leading us in these two parts of celebration.


Hurricane Lenny ...

For about a week, our region was under the influence of Hurricane Lenny. The effects were most severe in the northern part of the Eastern Caribbean but the southern section was not spared as even Grenada suffered major damage to its western shoreline. Even further south, in Colombia, two deaths were reported due to Lenny.

Many roads and many of the shorelines of these islands were badly damaged but several islands also had to endure the winds and were really battered for hours and hours.

St. Croix was the place in our Province that suffered the most damage.

In a sense, it is good that most of these islands are relatively small without high mountains and in most cases, without rivers. Thus, the waters were able to run off sooner. One remembers the effects of Hurricane Mitch last year on Central America where heavy, heavy rain affected those places even more than the Hurricane wind.

While the overall effects are still being assessed, we are truly thankful that it was not worse. At the same time, our sympathies and prayerful support go out to all those who suffered lost of property and of loved ones.


Please Pray For ....

The people of our region from Puerto Rico to Colombia who suffered so severely as a result of Hurricane Lenny. Many countries were left with damaged roads and bridges and battered shorelines; and many families were left without houses or with badly damaged houses.

* * * Pastor Joseph Charles, Lay Pastor of the Cana congregation in Antigua and his family. Bro. Charles recently lost a brother. * * *

Bro. Hazel Spencer, Conference Treasurer in Antigua who had a major accident recently. He was not severely injured but has been emotionally battered.

* * *

As we come to the end of the year, let us remember and pray for all those who will be without loved ones this Christmas for the first time.

It would be helpful for a special mention to be made of such persons during our Advent & Christmas worship services.

* * *

Let us pray also for all those who will spend Christmas away from home and let us pray in the words of the prayer from our Christmas Liturgy ( Pg. 101)

"Father of all, at this time when the solitary are set in families, and wanderers and exiles think longingly of home; we think of Thee, the Home of us all, where all are welcome. May kind thoughts find lodging in the hardest heart; may longing for purity be born in minds that are unclean; and may the lonely and the labouring hear the song of the angels; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."


Sharing the Information


While we have been increasing the number of persons on our mailing list for "The Information", we are mindful that many are still left out.

You can be of tremendous help in getting the information out if you share your copy with some one.


P.E.C. & Superintendents in St. Kitts

The first meeting of the Provincial Elders' Conference (P.E.C.) for the year 2000 will be held in St. Kitts from January 20-23. the P.E.C. will then meet with the Superintendents for the annual Conference from January 24-25.

Yours prayers are kindly requested.


Provincial Family Service

The Provincial family will make the start of the year 2000 with a special service in the various Conferences on Sunday January 2, 2000. We do invite all of you to share in this act of worship.

Let us keep the family together.


BMW Brings Consultation to Barbados

The Board of World Mission (BWM) will hold a Consultation with its partner Provinces in May , 2000. This is a follow-up top one that was held in Pennsylvania in August, 1998.

In addition to our Province, there will be representatives from the Northern and Southern Provinces of the USA, Western Tanzania, Guyana, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica, Labrador, among others.

The BWM with Brother Hampton Morgan as its Executive Director has been making a more deliberate effort to see many of the former "mission fields" as Partners in Mission.

The Consultation will run from May 5-8, 2000.

Do you know if any of the delegates from this Consultation will stay on for the 2nd Test Match between the West Indies and Pakistan from May 11-15 ????


Happy Anniversary to New Herrnhut Moravian Church

The New Herrnhut Moravian Church in the US Virgin Islands will be celebrating its 262nd birthday on December 14.

It has 621 members and the Minister is the Revd Glenvil Gregory.


A Smile !!


"Now, Rachel," the doctor informed his patient, "there is absolutely no doubt that you will fully recover."

"But why are you so sure?" replied Rachel. "You said before that this was an extremely serious disease with the odds against me!"

"Quite right," replied the doctor. "My medical guidebook clearly states that eleven out of every twelve patients with your illness succumb to it."

"This doesn't reassure me, Doctor," replied Rachel shakily.

"Well, it should," answered the physician. "You see, you are the twelfth patient I've treated with this disease and the first eleven died!"

• • • A monastic order was low on funds and decided to set up a fish and chips stand outside the monastery, which bordered a busy street. The very first customer came up to the counter and with a smirk asked Brother Alfred, "Are you the fish friar?"

"No," said Brother Alfred with a straight face, "I'm the chip monk."


Birthdays this Month!!

Happy birthday to:


  • Bro. Alban St.Hill 2
  • Bro. Leon Matthias 8
  • Sis. Sadie Harry 10
  • Sis. Cicely Horsford 12
  • Sis. Zenobia Lomax 13
  • Bro. Hilton Joseph 18
  • Sis. Maureen Lewis 23
  • Bro. Matthew Crooks 25
  • Bro. Rudolph Holder 31

Anniversaries this Month!!

Happy anniversary to:

  • Revd Cortroy and Mrs. Pearline Jarvis 7
  • Mr. George and Mrs. Zenaida Ramsay 18
  • Revd Algernon and Revd Denise Lewis 20
  • Revd Errol and Mrs. Joycelyn Connor 22
  • Mr. Dave and Mrs. Andrea Browne 26
  • Revd Samuel and Mrs. Gwendolyn Jacobs 31